Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Program

Program Overview

The Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Program (ZIFL-P) seeks to improve landscape management and increase the environmental and economic benefits for targeted rural communities in Zambia's Eastern Province. By curbing unsustainable agricultural expansion and enhancing the benefits derived from forestry, agriculture, and wildlife, the program aims to achieve significant emission reductions and reduce communities’ vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

Program name

Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Program (ZIFL-P)


Eastern Province

Size of jurisdiction

5.1 million hectares

Population in jurisdiction

1.7 million

Drivers of land use change

- Agricultural expansion, maize and cotton

- Fuelwood harvesting for charcoal or firewood

Accounting area

5.1 million hectares

Implementing agency

Ministry of Green Economy and Environment

ISFL Funding




- $250,000 preparation grant

- $7.75 million implementation grant

- Potential payments for up to 6 million tons of emission reductions


$8.1 million in GEF financing


$17 million IDA loan

Program activities will be implemented through a consortium of committed and experienced partners, including local and national governments, the private sector, international agencies, NGOs and CSOs, as well as strong partnerships with local communities.

The ZIFL-P has four components:

  • Create conditions that will allow livelihood investments (under Component 2) to be successfully implemented and thereby prepare Zambia for emission reduction purchases;

  • Finance on-the-ground activities that improve rural livelihoods, conserve ecosystems, and reduce GHG emissions;

  • Finance activities related to national and provincial-level program coordination and management; and facilitate the use of International Development Association (IDA) funds in the event of a disaster.

Country Context

Country Context icon Drivers of deforestation

The main drivers of deforestation in Zambia's Eastern Province are agricultural expansion (maize and cotton being important production crops), and fuelwood harvesting for charcoal or firewood. The clearing of forests for agriculture in the province is driven by the need for new land for cultivation due to: (i) declining soil fertility on existing agricultural land due to poor farming practices; and (ii) expanding scale of production to improve incomes and food security. The unregulated collection of fuelwood is often a precursor to agricultural expansion.

Country Context icon Key commodities and sectors

Cotton, maize, and fuelwood for charcoal or firewood

Country Context icon Policy interactions and green growth strategies
  • The Wildlife Act 2015 calls on communities to form enterprises to advance the conservation of parks. This legislation seeks to address the complicated legal process for establishing a community enterprise in Zambia.
  • National REDD+ Strategy: The Government of Zambia, through support from the Forest Investment Program administered by the World Bank and UN agencies, has undertaken a National REDD+ Readiness process that includes the development of a National REDD+ Strategy.
  • Zambia intends to reduce its GHG emissions, in line with its commitments under the Paris Agreement, by implementing three programs driven by the country’s Climate Response Strategy and supported by national development policies related to energy, forestry, agriculture, water, town and country planning, sanitation, and transport. The three programs focus on: (i) sustainable forest management; (ii) sustainable agriculture; and (iii) renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • The country’s Emission Reductions Program is strongly aligned with the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment’s goal to promote investment in economic activities that are low-carbon, resource efficient, climate-resilient, and socially inclusive.
Country Context icon NDC commitments

Zambia has committed to a reduction in GHG emissions of 25 percent by 2030, or by 47 percent if substantial international financial support (roughly defined as $35 billion) is forthcoming. For both scenarios, the government plans to achieve most of its emission reductions through investments in sustainable land use and forestry management.

Program Results

# of funded technical studies completed


# of workshops held


# of engagements established with not-for-profit organizations

- COMPACI and The Nature Conservancy

# of engagements established with the private sector

- Cargill, pilots on community ecotourism and game management area revenue-sharing business models

# of partnerships established with not-for-profit organizations

- Technical service providers for agriculture, wildlife, forestry value chains, and participatory land-use planning

# of partnerships established with the private sector

- ETG Farmer Foundation, WONTA, COMACO, District Land Alliance

# of coordination platforms supported


ESMF completed


FGRM completed


SESA completed


Core Program Documents

Project Appraisal Document - Emission Reduction Project
Zambia Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement
Zambia ISLF Program Advanced Draft Benefit Sharing Plan
Zambia ERPD Assessment Report
ISFL Zambia ER Program Document
Project Appraisal Document
Environmental and Social Management Framework
Information Card (May 2015)

Program Contact Information

To request further information about this program, please email us.