Oromia Forested Landscape Program

Program Overview

The Oromia Forested Landscape Program (OFLP) seeks to reduce deforestation by improving sustainable forest management throughout Ethiopia's Oromia Regional State, and lowering GHG emissions from land use, including from the livestock sector, by encouraging better herd management.

Program name

Oromia Forested Landscape Program (OFLP)


Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Size of jurisdiction

32 million hectares, of which 9 million are forests

Population in jurisdiction

More than 30 million

Drivers of land use change

- Small-scale conversions for agricultural expansion

- Extraction of fuelwood for charcoal

Accounting area

Entire forested landscape in Oromia, including livestock and agricultural areas

Implementing agency

Oromia Environmental Protection Authority

ISFL Funding

- $18 million in grant financing

- Potential payments for up to 1.8 million tons of verified emission reductions for ERPA Phase 1, with the potential for sales of emission reductions in excess of those contracted. Emission reductions for ERPA Phase 2 to be negotiated. 


$3 million grant from IFC for investment services in the coffee sector and an additional $4 million Swiss grant for private sector-led coffee tree rejuvenation and climate-smart dairy, with possible additional matching funds of the same amount from private sector actors. 

The OFLP is supported by a five-year $18 million grant that will be followed by results-based payments for verified emission reductions for up to 10 years. Grant-supported activities include investment in participatory forest management and reforestation in targeted deforestation hotspots. The program also invests in statewide and local enhancements to strengthen systems related to safeguards, forest monitoring, and cross-sector coordination.

The OFLP has three components:

  • Enabling investment, which includes sub-basin land-use planning support, investment and extension services, and forest management investment in deforestation hotspots through participatory forest management and afforestation/reforestation;

  • Enhancing the enabling environment by financing complementary activities to increase the effectiveness and positive impact of institutions, policies, marketing, benefit sharing, strategic communication, measurement, reporting and verification, and safeguards management at the state and local levels; and

  • Delivering emission reductions payments once results have been achieved, verified by a third party, and formally reported to the World Bank.

Country Context

Drivers of deforestation Drivers of deforestation
  • Small-scale conversions for agricultural expansion, as subsistence agriculture is the main economic activity throughout Oromia.
  • Inefficient livestock production, resulting from limited access to livestock feed and fodder.
  • Extraction of fuelwood for charcoal—firewood is the primary source of energy for 94 percent of Ethiopia’s population and the most important forest product consumed in Ethiopia, its total consumption exceeding 116 million m3 in 2013. Most firewood is produced from natural forests, including woodlands and shrub lands, and current firewood demand is estimated to significantly exceed the sustainable yield potential of the remaining forest area.
  • Indirect drivers include inadequate development and implementation of land-use plans, weak cross-sectoral policy and investment coordination, population growth in and migration to forested areas, and road expansion.
Key commodities and sectors Key commodities and sectors
  • Coffee; spices and honey
  • Livestock and dairy
  • Subsistence agriculture, based on cultivation of diverse crops such as barley, wheat, beans, potatoes, cabbage in highlands, and bananas, maize, and teff grains in lowlands
Policy interactions and green growth strategies Policy interactions and green growth strategies
  • Ethiopia’s development agenda is governed by two key strategies: the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-2) and the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE). Both strategies prioritize attainment of middle-income status by 2025 and, through the CRGE Strategy, achieving this by taking steps in support of low-carbon, resilient, green growth.
  • The CRGE Strategy reports that agriculture and forestry would “contribute around 45 and 25 percent, respectively, to projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels by 2030 under business-as-usual assumptions, and together account for around 80 percent of the total abatement potential.”
NDC commitments NDC commitments
  • The country is committing to reducing economy-wide GHG emissions by 14 percent in 2030 from the recently revised business-as-usual scenario, using its domestic resources. 

  • This would represent a 56.7 MtCO2e reduction, limiting GHG emissions at 347.3 MtCO2e in 2030 (compared to the revised business-as-usual scenario emission level of 404 MtCO2e). 

Program Results

# land users who have received training


# of partnerships established with the private sector

1 - Nespresso

# of partnerships established with not-for-profit organizations

2 - TechnoServe, Solidaridad

# of engagements established with the private sector

8 - Farm Africa, SOS Sahel, Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association, World Vision Ethiopia, Action for Development, Mekane Eyesus Church, Ethiopian Catholic Church, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency

# of engagements established with not-for-profit organizations

4 - Farm Africa, SOS Sahel, Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association, and Japan International Cooperation Agency

# coordination platforms supported

- Two Regional Steering Committees, four REDD+ Technical Working Groups, and the three cluster-level coordination platforms

(South-East, Central, and West Oromia)

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) completed


Feedback Grievance Redress Mechanism (FGRM) completed


Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) completed


Program Contact Information

To request further information about this program, please email us.