Jambi Sustainable Landscape Management Project

Program Overview

The Jambi Sustainable Landscape Management Project (J-SLMP) seeks to improve landscape management and reduce emissions from the forest and land use sector, while promoting alternative livelihoods that help take the pressure off the province’s primary forests and peatlands.

Program name

Jambi Sustainable Landscape Management Project (J-SLMP)


Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia

Size of jurisdiction

5 million hectares

Population in jurisdiction

3.5 million people

Drivers of land use change

- Plantation expansion (primarily for oil palm, pulpwood, rubber, coffee), driven by large concessions and smallholder producers

- Logging

Accounting area

2,082,286 hectares

Implementing agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry

ISFL Funding

- $1.5 million technical assistance grant

- $13.5 million implementation grant (TBC)

- Up to $4 million grant for private sector engagement 

- Potential payments for emission reductions to be determined



Among its activities, the project will support community-based participatory land mapping, as well as the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity. The J-SLMP takes a comprehensive landscape approach to reducing emissions and improving livelihoods, and is working with the government of Indonesia to strengthen policies and institutions to enhance effective land management regulation and enforcement, focusing on harmonizing policies and approaches across sectors.

The J-SLMP has three components:

  • Strengthening policy and institutions to improve cross-sectoral coordination and action to address drivers of emissions in Jambi, including supporting the enabling environment for an emission reductions program;

  • Integrating forest and land management in Jambi, particularly through sustainable forest management, agricultural intensification and diversification, conservation and restoration, and value chain sustainability; and

  • Supporting national and provincial-level project coordination and management, including monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.

Country Context

Drivers of deforestation and decomposition of peat Drivers of deforestation and decomposition of peat
  • Approximately two-thirds of Indonesia’s annual GHG emissions come from land-use change related to agriculture, forestry, and other land uses.
  • Peatlands in Indonesia cover a total area of 13.8 million hectares, which are estimated to store between 37 and 65 percent of the global tropical peat carbon pool.
  • Drivers of deforestation and decomposition of peat include logging and the establishment of plantations, primarily for oil palm and pulpwood (mainly acacia). By 2015, 6.3 million hectares of peatland had been converted to plantations.
  • Indirect drivers include inadequate development and implementation of land-use plans, weak cross-sectoral policy and investment coordination, population growth in and migration to forested areas, and road expansion. 
Key commodities and sectors Key commodities and sectors
  • Fisheries
  • Livestock
  • Palm oil
  • Pulpwood (plantation-grown acacia and eucalyptus, planted in the natural forest areas after being harvested for pulpwood)
  • Rubber
  • Robusta and arabica coffee (a smallholder crop); demand for coffee is continuing to growth domestically and internationally
  • Other important commodities: rice, vegetables, fruit, coconut, cinnamon, soybean, areca nut, and cacao
Policy interactions and green growth strategies Policy interactions and green growth strategies
  • National REDD+ Strategy (2012) that aims to ensure forests will be a net carbon sink by 2030. In 2022, Indonesia committed to transforming the Forest and Other Land Use sector into a net carbon sink by 2030 (Forestry and Other Land Uses [FOLU] Net Sink 2030 commitment) through activities that include forest and land rehabilitation, management of peatlands, and biodiversity conservation. 
  • National Action Plan to Reduce GHG Emissions (2011), an umbrella plan to reduce emissions in accordance with Indonesia’s NDC.
  • One Map Initiative, an effort to establish a public, consistently geo-referenced national inventory of all land parcels. It aims to clarify forest boundaries across the country, thereby allowing emission reductions programs to be successfully designed and implemented.
  • Establishment of the Peatland Restoration Agency in 2016, tasked with the restoration of 2.1 million hectares of peatland. Further, a Peatland Moratorium and Palm Oil Moratorium were enacted in 2016.
  • Provincial-level REDD+ programs and decentralization efforts in alignment with Indonesia’s REDD+ readiness process. Provincial governments are responsible for managing most of the forest estate (law no. 23 of 2014 on local government).
Policy interactions and green growth strategies NDC commitments

The government of Indonesia has pledged to reduce GHG emissions by 26 percent using its own resources and by 41 percent with international assistance by 2030. To achieve this reduction, Indonesia will need to decrease emissions by 1.08 MtCO2e, with the forestry sector expected to account for 60 percent of this target. 

Program Results

ISFL grant signed with government


# of project manuals or other administrative documents completed


# stakeholders consulted on ISFL programs following World Bank safeguard policies


# workshops held to prepare the ISFL program


Project Concept Note completed


Core Program Documents

J-SLMP ER Program Document (ERPD)
Advanced Draft Benefit Sharing Plan of the JERP
National SESA for Indonesia
Environmental and Social Management Framework
Project Appraisal Document

Program Contact Information

To request further information about this program, please email us.